Hej Organic 
Launch of a new skincare range in  Swiss Migros shops 

The German, vegan natural cosmetics brand Hej Organic asked Kontx to support the launch of a new sustainable, natural and organic skincare range NAKED in Switzerland. The aim was to create awareness for the brand in the Swiss market and to draw attention to the fact that the products are available in Migros shops throughout Switzerland. 


For the launch of the new skincare line NAKED, Kontx recommended a cooperation with the well-known Swiss beauty and lifestyle influencer Stella Castelli. With the involvement of a well-known and renowned influencer in the Swiss market, the new skincare range had to be integrated as naturally as possible into the influencer’s daily routine. Kontx developed a video concept as well as a content strategy for the influencer in order to optimally use her strong Instagram channel as a communication platform for the product launch. As part of the cooperation, the influencer showed herself naturally on her Instagram channel, without make-up, without filters and with a positive charisma/personality, in line with the brand’s heritage. The focus of the communication was on developing videos and reels in which the influencer presents the new product range. In one reel, she visits a Migros shop and shares with her community how she chooses her favourite products from the new NAKED range. She also shot several videos in which she shares her beauty routine in the bathroom with her community and introduces the products, making them tangible for her followers.  

The content was created for Stella’s Instagram profile and for a campaign video that Hej Organic used as social media advertising. 

Kontx managed the entire coordination of the video shoot with the Migros branch in Lucerne and the influencer. 

TIME FRAMEWORK: April – May 2022 
  • Development of a concept and content strategy for the launch of the Hej Organic products in the Migros shops in Switzerland 
  • Creation of a contract and a campaign briefing for the influencer 
  • Coordination meetings with client and influencer 
  • Coordination with the Migros branch regarding the video shoot 
  • Creation of a reporting 
  • Increasing awareness of Hej Organic products in Switzerland  
  • 5,192 users were reached through Stella’s Instagram reel and 2,000 users were reached through her Stories