Philips Male Grooming offers a wide range of shaving products for men. Kontx was commissioned to promote the Philips OneBlade as the must-have for men in Switzerland in a 360-degree campaign and to highlight its key features. The goal: to establish the OneBlade as a hero product and the first choice in shaving.
What are many Swiss men interested in? Correct: ice hockey! We emotionally linked the topic of “play-off beard” with the OneBlade, because many ice hockey fans and players grow a beard during the play-offs and thus cheer along with “their” team. In cool, short videos we showed: The play-off beards are easy to style with the OneBlade. The videos were then brought to the target group through various media and influencer cooperations. They were also strategicaly played on the LED cubes in the stadium during the home games of the three ice hockey clubs involved. Kontx set up this broad-based campaign for the first time in 2018 and repeated it in 2019 due to its great success.
Production of promotional videos with Swiss ice hockey players from HCD, EVZ and EHC
Conception of the idea for the videos and creation of the storyboard
Briefing of all persons involved in the video shoot
Management of the shoot on location
Post-processing, editing and finalisation of the videos together with the film crew
Conception and implementation of the entire campaign
Media cooperation with
Campaign page with a big public competition
Selfie challenge on social media
Accompanying microinfluencer campaign, implemented by partner mikim
Screening of the videos at ice hockey games of the cooperating clubs
303’500 people reached
Playing of the videos on the LED cubes in the stadiums: A total of 119,526 viewers reached in the stadiums
Engagement: 273 comments, likes or shares on Facebook and Instagram
Kontx Kommunikation GmbH
Schaffhauserstrasse 18
CH-8006 Zürich
tel: +41 (0)44 419 04 50
t: +41 (0)44 419 04 50